Researcher in Residence

This residency provides researchers with the opportunity to conduct in-depth investigations related to the MAMBO Collection, archive, and exhibition program using digital tools to access and engage with the collection. Participants may explore interdisciplinary connections, historical contexts, or thematic analyses, contributing to the scholarly discourse surrounding the museum’s holdings. Participants are encouraged to use the digitized artworks at MAMBO and to conduct research around them.

Open Call Results

From July 8 to July 19, 2024, the call for applications for the Research Residency was open, and 55 applications were received from Colombia, Spain, Mexico, El Salvador, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Argentina, and Venezuela. Applicants included graduate students, emerging researchers, artists, curators, art historians, photographers, designers, architects, musicians, historians, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, philosophers, educators, archaeologists, conservators, and cultural managers

The winner of the first edition of the research residency is Júlia Farràs (Spain) with her project “¿Qué nos alimenta? De corazones y estómagos en la colección del MAMBO” [What Feeds Us? From Hearts to Stomachs in the MAMBO Collection]

About the Project

“What Feeds Us? From Hearts to Stomachs in the MAMBO Collection” is a proposal that explores the intersection between hunger and love, fundamental forces that nourish both the body and the spirit. As a form of invitation, the project seeks to explore works in the MAMBO Collection that address hunger, food, and dining, understanding that these elements go beyond satisfying physical needs to being deeply intertwined with culture, memory, and identity, questioning their emotional and physical connections.

Using digital tools, an interdisciplinary cookbook will be developed that relates the selected works with culinary recipes, establishing a unique link between art and gastronomy and offering an experience enriched by synesthesia to “taste” the art. This initiative aims to provide a new way of experiencing the MAMBO collection, understanding art as sustenance as essential as food.

About the Resident

Júlia Farràs Marginedas (Spain) navigates the fields of Humanities, Anthropology, and cultural management. She graduated with honors in Humanities from Pompeu Fabra University and holds a master’s degree in Anthropology and Ethnography from the University of Barcelona. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Society and Culture at the same institution. Dividing her time between Barcelona and Colombia, she has collaborated on research and cultural management projects with the Spanish Embassy in Colombia, the Truth Commission, Imaginart Gallery, Rebobinart, and the Gladys Palmera Foundation, among others. Specialized in creating inclusive curatorial narratives through participatory methodologies, she currently works at the Spanish Embassy in Colombia and developing independent curatorial projects.


This project is supported by Digital Futures in Museum Practices, a research initiative led by Susana Vargas-Mejía and funded by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund [Anita Sinner PI, Cristian Zaelzer Co-PI, Susana Vargas-Mejía Co-I, Trish Osler and Samia ElSheikh, NFRF-2022-00245]


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